Natural Thinking Methods

Natural Thinking Methods

From post-modern, constructionist, or pyscho-spiritual perspectives there are two paradigms that most thinking falls into. Method I Thinking occurs in what is called Fundamental Reality, and Methods II & III include what is called Constructed Reality (Stephen Bacon, Ph.D.). In short, Fundamental Reality is objective reality, tangible facts we can measure, predict, and to some degree control. Constructed Reality is subjective reality, as in ‘perception is reality’ or ‘we create our own reality,’ and is subject to change and unpredictability. The ‘fundamentals’ require more advocacy than inquiry, thus we look to experts to find the right answer, the ‘right stuff’ in Method I. In Methods II & III we find that beliefs drive behaviors more than facts and require a method of thinking that will integrate both. Methods #2 & #3 naturally adapt to the subjective context for more successful outcomes, especially in interpersonal relationships.

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